DS 106 Creativity On Parade!

The DS106 site is a site where creativity is on display daily. There are so many aspects to this site, it will take a long time to explore it all.

One of the best assets on the site, however, is the Online DS106 Non-Course Course, designed to teach multiple ways to tell a story digitally through art: listening to audio, through photos, drawing, videos and movies. Ordinary people creatively telling their own true stories “in a compelling and emotionally engaging form.”

I have begun the Daily Create challenge. The daily create ideas would make excellent prompts for a classroom too. Well, without further ado, let me share some of this week’s creativity.

I began on Sunday, February 22 with a “Before and After” challenge.  This is self explanatory-many people posted aged photos of themselves, or before a costume and after.  I created an picture titled “Peeps Tragedy.”


This is an original cartoon, drawn by me, a little tongue in cheek humor.

I think you can understand how this tragedy might have happened, and why I called it before and after.  Tragedies like this will likely continue to occur every year around this time, at least in my house, because I love Peeps!

On Monday, February 23, we were challenged to make a video of 5 things that bring me joy.  It took me way longer than it should have, but I am pleased with the result.

Apparently, February 24th is the birthday of the creator of DS106 Radio, Grant Potter.  The challenge was to wish him Happy Birthday through a poem, so I wrote a haiku:

Today is the Day!

Happy Birthday Grant Potter!

Creative Wizard.

For February 25th,  Wednesday’s challenge, I went back and fished out a challenge from the past, my earliest memory:

Credit Flickr by Mike and Elisa
Credit Flickr by Mike and Elisa

The breeze blows through my hair, and then a wave rolls in to knock me down! Wham! I’m sputtering sea water and sand, then daddy picks me up again, safe in his strong arms.  Running along the water’s edge just as fast as my little legs would carry me, and then I stopped suddenly, a dead jelly fish washed up on the sand, looking like a giant pile of snot. Eww! As I reach to touch the shiny pile, Mama says not to touch it. I recoil.  My earliest memory is of a visit to the Atlantic ocean when I was just three years old…

For Thursday, the challenge was to create a “Deep Space 106” (get it? ds106?) based on a line drawing of Deep Space 9:


Friday, February 27th, the focus was on the use of Teal and Orange in action movies, a well known phenomena that chaps the hide of movie gurus.  I created a poster for a faux action movie.

Finally, Saturday, February 28th, the challenge was “Take a photo of a unique #Heelconcept by elevating your foot on an everyday object as a heel.”  I created a “Shoe Shell.” Here’s a new tongue twister for you: She sells shoe shells by the seashore.  Say that five times fast!


8 thoughts on “DS 106 Creativity On Parade!

  1. I really like your Daily Creates so far. I think that some of them are funny like the peep drawing that you have done. I can’t wait to read more of your 30 day Daily Creates.


  2. I loved your peeps photo! It was so cute and such a great idea with Easter coming up! It looked so great I am very impressed with your cute ideas. The other project that I loved is the things that give you joy! It looks like you have a wonderful group of people around you and that is so awesome! You’re doing great keep up the good work!


  3. I really like the idea of a “non-course course.” The longer I teach, the more I want my classes not to feel like school. Of course, it’s really challenging to figure out how to achieve that. I want all the learning and engagement without the schooly parts!


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