Daily Create Fun (#8-14)

I am still having fun with the Daily Create – the prompts are original, and creative.  I have to say, sometimes it takes more than 15-20 minutes!  Am I just too persnickety?  Here come the past week’s adventures in creativity…I apologize in advance…

Sunday, March 1 – What do you fear? Video to feature what the individual is afraid of, and while many posted pictures of snakes, spiders and a creepy house, I went a little more dark and scary…(cue the dramatic music) “Amerigeddon – The Take Down!”

On Monday, March 2 was all about writing a short story about a piece of clothing, that is actually meant to symbolize a person…in my case, my best friend.

My Friend

BFFs Forever!

You were close to me most of my high school years, we went everywhere together. You were like many other jean jackets, but like most things that are worn over and over again, you began to fit me better, hug me, comfort me and keep me warm.

One day I went away to school, and left you at home, alone. We were apart for a long time.

Then one day I returned, and found you there, waiting for me like a long lost friend. I slipped you on, and you still fit me better, hugged me longer and comforted me, as always.  I love you, and I’ll never let you go again.

Tuesday, March 3 We were to create a “Star Trek” face palm picture.  I apologize for the informal crude language, it’s from a classic Bones quote “Dammit Jim, I’m a doctor, not a miracle worker!”  You remembered that William Shatner always wore a girdle too, didn’t you?

star trek fail 030315I thought it was funny, especially featuring my favorite stuffed animal – a sock monkey doing a face palm! (or as close to a face palm as my monkey can do!)

Original book cover courtesy Flickr - Aria Nadii
Original book cover courtesy Flickr – Aria Nadii

On Wednesday, March 4, was to recreate an old book cover, here is my attempt, with tongue-in-cheek label.

Thursday, March 5th, was to create something about the importance of limiting art.  Limiting art?? Here is my discussion on the meaning of limiting art…

Putting Limits on Art
If there is no design, a film cannot be made. If there is no design, a play cannot be performed.  If there is no design, sonnets cannot be written.  If there is no design, pottery cannot be created.  Without limits, there can be no art.  This is the story of every art project ever created.  Even God had a design when He created the universe!  Follow His lead!

whited out flower design w words

Pansies tdc1153On Friday, March 6th, the daily create was about “What I Must Have, What I Still Need.”  We were to create a “cartoon” based on that theme. I love pansies, and it’s almost time for Spring to bring us some beauty!

Finally, on Saturday, March 7th, we were to create a video dedicated to someone special…I chose my friends, the clowns, circus music included.

Have a very Clowny Spring Break!  From your friend, Peanut DeClown

Oolli Lolli 2 in

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