Wh-what? Dehydrating Carmel Apples???

That’s right, dear reader!  I found a recipe for dehydrated carmel apple chips!  I gotta say that I’d better not make many of these, unless it’s for a special occasion, because they won’t last long!!  They’re even a pretty healthy snack! Here’s the scoop…

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIngredients:  Granny Smith apples (or other semi-tart apple) and carmel dip for apples.  I used Marzetti Apple Carmel dip, found near the apples in the produce department.  I had three medium apples, and one cup of dip, 160 calories per 2 oz cup, and even fat free!

I used my mandolin to create even slices and cut across the apple for round instead of half-moon shaped slices. I cut out any core parts with a sharp paring knife.  As I’ve done with previous apples slices, I dipped them in water with lemon juice (3:1 ratio) to keep them from browning.


I laid the apple slices out on a tray, and painted the carmel dip thinly on each slice.

These looked so good I could have eaten them all right there and then!  But I bravely pressed on!

I put the slices in the dehydrator at 145 degrees for 8 hours and then checked them.  Interestingly, the slices were not yet dry, and the carmel was still a little gooey.  I flipped them over for more drying, hoping they wouldn’t stick to the mat!


They were still tempting, but I resisted! (Dear hubby stole one!)

Finally, after four more hours of drying at 145 degrees, I revealed the apple rings.  The carmel was slightly gooey, but dry to the touch, and the apple rings themselves were dry.


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe Carmel Apple Rings were VERY DELICIOUS!  And they really didn’t last long!  When you consider the few calories in three apples and one cup of carmel, between the two of us, my husband and I probably consumed about 200 calories each – less than a candy bar, and OH, SO SATISFYING!  Yeah, I’ll probably have to make some for the grandchildren, and maybe some for sharing at our Easter family gathering, if I get ambitious.

I would encourage anyone to try these if you want a delightful (if gooey) treat.

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