My PLN Includes PLE’s and VLE’s

creative-light-bulb-with-technology-business-network-process-100217432A personal learning network (PLN) is an informal learning network that consists of the people a learner interacts with and derives knowledge from in a personal learning environment (PLE). In a PLN, a person makes a connection with another person with the intent to learn.  My personal learning network is already well-established, including business and educational friends and colleagues with whom I consult and from whom I learn all the time.

A virtual learning environment (VLE) is a web-based platform for the digital aspects of courses of study, usually within educational institutions, such as our own CSC Online digital classroom. VLEs typically allow participants to be organized into groups; present resources, activities and interactions within a course structure; and provide for assessment.

Twitter Logo
Twitter Logo

Similar to our own online courses, a VLE may include some or all of the following elements: Course support documents, support for communication (email, Twitter, blogs, chat rooms, RSS), links for additional resources, etc.; it allows for a unified presentation to the students, learner engagement, communication and collaboration, and is normally capable of supporting multiple courses within an institution.

Another form of VLE uses virtual world technology like Second Life, and holographic projection (i.e., Musion).  I’ve worked on productions such as plays and live concerts “in world,” using the Second Life virtual program.  It’s an excellent platform for collaborators from around the world to work together on a project.

Musion - Tupac Concert, hologram project (see video at
Musion – Tupac Concert, hologram project                See video at

Musion integrates 3D holographic display technology to create real time virtual audio/visual presentations and interactions. Participants (presenters and audience) can actually see and interact with each other as though they were physically in the same room. (see for visual presentations) It has been used by businesses to introduce new products, to present virtual medical instruction, or the digital resurrection of Tupac, in concert.  Could we see another Michael Jackson concert in the future?

My PLN includes professionals who work in these virtual industries, as well as theaters or on filming locations around the world.  My PLN also includes former instructors, who are now friends and colleagues, with whom I consult and collaborate on projects.  In the future, my PLN will include other teachers, administrators, and likely, former classmates!

Here’s a great tweet introducing an article about teachers, and the importance of connectedness, called a “Professional Learning Community” (PLC) in the article from Edutopia:

It’s important for teachers to be up to date on technology, and connect to one another for support and learning.  Today’s teachers work on smart boards, and students can follow along on their own laptops or tablet.  One day, perhaps holographic technology will become as common place in education as it is in entertainment and business.  Teachers, as well as students, might someday be able to use this technology to build and maintain their PLN’s, and in order to be able to teach, hold presentations and interact in real time with some of the most influential intellects of our time, or even from another era!  Better connectedness for better education!

6 thoughts on “My PLN Includes PLE’s and VLE’s

    1. I am learning so much too! I barely looked at Facebook before this class, much less Twitter or create a blog, and all the rest. I could stand taking some time to explore some of the technology that Elisabeth has shared with us. I’m ready for more though!


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